Christmas & New Year greetings from us at JBM PRODUCTS AS
To all our loyal customers and suppliers through 2019.

With this contribution we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This year, as last year, we have chosen to give a gift to SUS by the Department of Children and Youth 3E4D.
Last year, the money was used to buy VR glasses. A little to get patients thinking about something other than all the treatment they are going through.
According to department nurse Berit H. Kyllevik, they will spend this year on gifts for children and young people who have been through tests and examinations. In addition, they search for siblings of chronically ill children who are often hospitalized. She talks about slightly different needs, and that it is nice to have the opportunity to buy a little different after a while. The younger ones like Lego, Playmo, gas balloons etc. The youngsters can be happy to get capsules, drinking bottles, games and books. We want to provide support for patients to experience something that gets their mind off illness for a while, give them encouragement and hopefully a smile and a little better day.
To our fantastic customers and suppliers: we could not make this contribution without you – thank you for fabulous collaboration in 2019! Let’s build on together, remember you are all equally important to us at JBM Products AS and let’s continue to strengthen each other for years to come !! Together we can only get stronger and better in an increasingly tough market !!
Best regards our team at

Remember: JBM is strong, but with our Good Customers and Skilled Suppliers – we become even stronger and more capable!!